in Latin America and the Caribbean

Meeting Kids Where They Are

Our Story

Young Life is a relational ministry. We walk alongside teens in Latin America/ Caribbean throughout their lives. We rejoice in their triumphs and stand by them in their hardships, all in an effort to show them the love of Christ.

How we work

We buildfriendships
We care for kids by meeting them where they are and as they are. We call this “contact work," and it’s at the heart of our ministry. Young Life leaders simply show up and begin a friendship with one of the over 154 million young people in Latin America/Caribbean.
Club is a place tobe welcomed
Young Life club is a "party with a purpose." Clubs are held weekly in a central location within a neighborhood or city- in schools, homes, even under mango trees. It’s a place for kids to be known, to have life-giving fun, play games, sing songs, and perhaps hear for the first time about Jesus and His love for them.
Discipleship Groupis a place to grow
Every club and neighborhood either has a weekly group meeting or one-on-one discipling friendships, which provide time in God’s word, a time to ask questions, and a time for God to be raising some of them up to be leaders themselves in their communities.
Camp is a place oftransformation
Camp is indescribably good- good food, games, singing and dancing and laughter. It is here that kids ​ hear the gospel story and in more depth about their Savior Jesus Christ and his love for them. It is a time of radical transformation for many kids as they encounter Jesus and their lives are forever changed.
Adults​ who care- ACTION TEAM
Young Life is making a difference in the lives of kids around the world because we are supported by adults who care about kids in their community.


Our vision is to grow "Doble, Doble," (or double, double) as we reach kids. We hope to double our impact twice in seven years as we go to the next place and constantly try to reach the next kid.

​ © 2004-2024 Young Life. All rights reserved.